Thursday, September 8, 2011

Van Costs Tips Cutting Down

 Here is a simple list to reduce your costs while driving:

Electrics - only use what you need as electrical devices such as phone chargers, epode chargers etc waste fuel
Revving - avoid revving as it uses fuel and damages the engine
Inflation - make sure your tyros are on the specified pressures for the driving you are undertaking e.g. heavy / light load etc.
Excess weight - only drive with what you need, any excess weight adds to fuel consumption.
Van maintenance - making sure your engine is healthy can make for smoother journeys and improve fuel consumption.
Air-Con - may keep you cool and be a necessity in the summer months, but this will increase fuel consumption
Engine Off - if you're waiting for a train to pass, turn your engine off
Gears - by selecting the right gear you can save on fuel
Journeys - try to avoid making unnecessary journeys, also try to plan your journeys efficiently