Welcome to the beginning of relationship. It must be a prosperous, happy and dynamic healthy relationship. I should start by nurturing, developing, creating and growing a healthy relationship between you, the reader of this site, and me, the writer.
My desire to help empower women by guiding them and counseling them through their process stems from my belief that if women were to truly take responsibility for their lives and make wiser choices accordingly, they could literally bring about a transformation – not only within themselves, but also in their relationships, and ultimately in the world!All this sounds great, but is it really attainable? I say a resounding "YES!" But it is up to you to want it, to claim it, and to believe it. After all, we're talking about your life, your world, your happiness, and the love you truly desire.Of course, along the way of attaining your full empowerment as a woman, you will come to know your true and authentic self, your Soul Self, if you will. You will develop your self-esteem and your belief in your Self will skyrocket. You will come to know Who You Really Are and will naturally desire all that you magnetically pull into your life – including your relationships with men. In other words, you will now draw to yourself all that is in alignment with and reflects your True Self.
It is a process (Oh, No!) and it does take work on yourself – but, at this point, the only thing you have to do is set your intention for this to develop in you so that you can create a life of love and happiness, growing healthy relationships wherever you go.Your dynamics with others – including your partner – or your potential mate – will begin to change as you apply this intention to your life and take in these new principles that I will be presenting here.