It is the Latin word Communis or Common. In short we speak to people or community with a common room of ideas and where everyone share the space. It involves two people or two groups of people sharing a common thing but may result to problems and disputes by the lack of understanding. In short, communication become successful when both sides completely send and the receiver understood the message. So, what is the result when the message in understood? What are the possible hindrance for communication to be unsuccessful? In order to find answers you must examine the way the communication are delivered and receive.
The receiver is the person that the sender who is trying to communicate with and try to share the idea. For the receiver he or she must be responsible how to interpret the message. He must be able to hear, listen and give feedback to the communicated idea. Through this, there is a successful communication between both people. But if the receiver don't understand or don't fully understand the message there will be a lack of communicating skill. In that case the attempt of communication is unsuccessful.
In communication, a sender plays an important role. This is because he or she will be the responsible one to share the message so that receiver will understand. He or she will share something in his or her idea. The information is in the mind and how to share it will be according to him or her. People as unique as we are, we share our thoughts differently. Due to this, receivers get information from the way the message is delivered, from the emotion, tone and the use of language.